Sunday, May 15, 2011

:: Lunch at Al-Rawsha ::

It's Sunday...I was in my sleep at that time...suddenly...teet! teett! teeett! it's NANA!!!!
oooohhh...she was, as a very GOOD bestfriend to her... ehemm,,,, i'm willingly sacrificed my sleep to accompany her to fulfilled her desire to have nasi arab...she has been craving for nasi arab since last week...siannn dieerrrr...., she picked me up and we went to AL-RAWSHA, Kampung was my 1st visit the way..Ein are coming too..(as usual..duhhh) hahahahah

Driver of the Day - Farees at your service

Feel like being in Morocco :p
Chicken Mandy and other chicken (forgot the name) pfttt

Prata with Humus

Farees with his banana split...our drinks like traffic lite kann..hahahah
Muke nana bengang sbb x sbr nak makan...hahahaha

Ein can't let go her bb..i wonder why..wakakaka

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