Sunday, May 22, 2011

:: Change Is Good ::

......  Confused  ......

Have u ever thot, that u will get bored with life...doing the same routine, facing the same job over the years...sit on the same chair almost everyday, struggle with financial needs since you want so much but your money cannot fulfill your needs...nothing change much and just wait anxiously for your pay day...and the cycle start all over again....when this is happening, automatically all the negative impact will affect u...demotivated, laziness, lose focus, unhappy, and the list goes on...not only that, i already get bored with my own body...i need to trim lots of unnecessary fats off me...yes, i am happy go lucky girl...but my appearance does not represent me at all...before this, i feel very much fine with all this long as peole love me, they want me in their life, nothing matters....but now, all my love ones expressed their concern on my weight...they want me stay life longer....cause all of us aware that disease easily get to people like do rings me a, now no more talking....lets just do it....i make this two things as goal of my life before approaching age have wonderful job and a healthy me =)

Change your life....its much easy to say than done....i have to change my lifestyle...i have to do it...its not going to be easy...but i have to do it....its for my own good...i will share it here so we all can see my life changing journey...remember, no more talking..DO IT!!!!!

Life changing starts within ourselves first...from there people will notice our improvement and we can motivates others to do the same...its a good thing to do..u be good to yourselves and at the same time can inspires others...nothing impossible in this world...u can do it! Change is Good....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

:: Nur Kasih The Movie ::

Semalam I tgk midnite movie 'NUR KASIH THE MOVIE' dgn Rockin and Izan...Terima kasih lar sbb sanggup amek and antar I kan...jauh dtg dr Putrajaya sbb nk tgk movie ngan I kan...sgt terharu okey...hehehe...

Movie NKTM ni sememangnyer ditunggu2 oleh semua peminat drama bersiri Nurkasih yg ditayangkan hampir 4 kali di TV3 sejak beberapa tahun lalu...atas sambutan yg tersgt menggalakkan, Filmscape mengangkat drama bersiri ini ke layar perak...Khabir Bahtiar diberi kepercayaan utk mengarah filem ini...Untul mengetahui kisah lanjut mengenai NKTM, sila lar menonton di PAWAGAM berdekatan anda..mungkin tidak akan ditayangkan di Astro First okey..sokong filem buatan tempatan..heheheh...Filem ini mengekalkan pelakon utama asal drama nyer iaitu :

#  Remy Ishak sebagai Adam
#  Tiz Zaqyah sebagai NurAmina
#  Fizz Fairuz sebagai Aidil
#  Liza Othman sebagai ibu kepada Adam & Aidil

Beramai2 serang pawagam berdekatan anda!

One happy family at home =)

Keluarga NurKasih yang sentiasa diuji dengan pelbagai ujian dari Allah..namun, kekuatan kasih sayang kekeluargaan berpaksikan iman berjaya ditangani dengan baik..alhamdulillah..

Ilyas + Maksu + Maryam...cute!

Pasangan romantis idaman ramai..Remy Ishak + Tiz Zaqyah

 Jeles tau tgk korg dalam citer ni...hahahahah

Apa yang menarik perhatian I ialah ape yang I rase lepas tgk movie nih....kehidupan di dunia ini tidak kekal abadi...walaupun sudah memiliki, namun terasa sgt rapuh...contohnya, NurAmina sudah memiliki Adam yg dicintai sejak kecil, namun ujian menduga apabila Adam bakal menemui ajal bila masa sahaja di saat mereka bakal menimang cahayamata yg ditunggu2 selama ini...kekuatan & ketabahan NurAmina utk memberi semangat untuk hidup kepada Adam, disamping memberi semangat kepada diri sendiri untuk meneruskan kandungan dan berkorban segalanya demi suami tercinta begitu mengisafkan...hidup x seindah yg disangkakan...bak kata NurAmina kepada Aidil selepas Aidil kehilangan isteri tercinta (lakonan Ayu Raudhah) akibat kecelakaan jalan raya...

"Semakin banyak dugaan menghimpit kita, semakin dekat Rahmat Allah kepada kita"

Sesungguhnya, kite sebagai manusia hanyalah hamba Allah yg lemah...kita hanya mampu merancang...hanya Allah yg menentukan segalanya...kita tak tau ape yang Allah rancangkan utk kita...maka dengan itu, haruslah sentiasa bersedia dan redha dgn ketentuan-Nya...Segalanya takkan berlaku tanpa izin dari Allah...jgn dipersoalkan ape yg telah terjadi, kerana itu boleh membawa kite ke lembah kekufuran...sentiasa berdoa dan yakinlar...ape yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah hanya yg terbaek utk kita...kene sentiasa muhasabah diri...supaya tidak tersesat jalan...mulai dari sekarang, hargailar ape yg ade disekeliling kita..orang2 yang sentiasa berada dgn kita kerana itu semua hanya pinjaman dari Allah...sentiasa bersyukur dengan segala kebahagiaan yang Allah berikan...

Malam semalam sempat I bertwitter dengan bestfriend, Nana pasal citer ni la...Nana pon antara hamba Allah yg diberi dugaan hidup yg agak hebat...I mmg kagum giler ngan die..nampak lemah & manja tp die berjaya mengharungi segala rintangan dengan baik..i'm very proud of the end of our conversation she tweeted....

"Kita hanya merancang, Allah jugak yg tentukan...jgn terlalu mengharap, nnti kita terlalu kecewa plak..but i love uols too...bila aku diuji, aku igtkan diri aku, ape yg Allah ambil dari aku adalah hak Dia...sbb tu dr kecil kita diajar tidak takbur..time bahagia ni, jgn lupe teruskan berdoa and dekat padaNya.."

I sgt bersyukur dengan segala kurniaan Allah... keluarga, sahabat2, pekerjaan, harta benda, kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan...segala duka hanyalah ujian utk mendekatkan kita kepadaNya...Dunia hanyalah pinjaman..di akhirat jua kekal abadi......

aku insaf .....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

:: Inspiring Weight Loss Story ::





!!! WOW !!! 
Jaw Dropped

Before & After

nothing much to say...the pic already explain inspiring!! i wanna be like her....hehehhe

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

:: Something Borrowed ::

...Eyin aka Ein texted me to have movie watching together on Wesak Day...we choose to watch this...

Friendships are tested and secrets come to the surface when terminally single Rachel falls for Dex, her best friend Darcy's fiancé

Rachel is a talented attorney at a top New York law firm, a generous and loyal friend and, unhappy yet still single as her engaged best friend Darcy is constantly reminding her. But after one drink at her 30th birthday party, good girl Rachel unexpectedly ends up in bed with the guy she's had a crush on since law school, Dex, who just happens to be Darcy's fiance. When Rachel and Darcy's lifelong friendship collides with true love, it leads to unexpected complications and potentially explosive romantic revelations. Meanwhile, Ethan, who has been Rachel's constant confidante and sometimes conscience, has been harboring a secret of his own, and Marcus, an irrepressible womanizer, can't keep his mind out of the gutter or his hands off any girl within reach.


Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin) & Darcy (Kate Hudson)

Bestfriend since forever

Dex..Darcy's fiance
Friendship get tested when Rachel fall for Dex..ooppss!


Happy Watching =)

P/S :- Credit to Yahoo Movies

:: Say No More ::

  Before u start to judge me
 Remember this
U don't know what I've been thru
U have no idea what made who I am today
I have nothing much to say
In fact, I won't say anything at all
I keep my mouth sealed
I just let it go with the flow
There must be a reason for everything that happen


Monday, May 16, 2011

:: Happy 40th Teacher's Day 2011 ::

I would like personally to take this chance to thank from the bottom of my heart to all teacher who shaped me who I am today..I received formal education at :-

1987 ~ Tadika Nurul Huda, Johor

1988 ~ Tadika Kemas Kampung Pandan, Kuala Lumpur

1989 - 1993 ~ Sek. Rendah Kebangsaan Puteri Pandan Satu, Kuala Lumpur

1993 - 1994 ~ Sek. Ren. Sultan Sulaiman Satu, Kuala Terengganu

1994 - 1997 ~ Sek. Men. Keb (Agama) Sheikh Abdul Malek, Kuala Terengganu

1998 - 1999 ~ Sek. Men. Sains Pasir Puteh, Kelantan

2000 - 2001 ~ Kolej Matrikulasi Yayasan Pelajaran Mara Kota Bharu

2001 - 2004 ~ Fakulti Alam Bina, Universiti Malaya

2004 - 2006 ~ Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

To all individu who teach me informally thru life..i really appreciate everything you have done to make a better me..May Allah bless you all..amin

Sunday, May 15, 2011

:: Lunch at Al-Rawsha ::

It's Sunday...I was in my sleep at that time...suddenly...teet! teett! teeett! it's NANA!!!!
oooohhh...she was, as a very GOOD bestfriend to her... ehemm,,,, i'm willingly sacrificed my sleep to accompany her to fulfilled her desire to have nasi arab...she has been craving for nasi arab since last week...siannn dieerrrr...., she picked me up and we went to AL-RAWSHA, Kampung was my 1st visit the way..Ein are coming too..(as usual..duhhh) hahahahah

Driver of the Day - Farees at your service

Feel like being in Morocco :p
Chicken Mandy and other chicken (forgot the name) pfttt

Prata with Humus

Farees with his banana split...our drinks like traffic lite kann..hahahah
Muke nana bengang sbb x sbr nak makan...hahahaha

Ein can't let go her bb..i wonder why..wakakaka

Saturday, May 14, 2011

:: Azim 1st Birthday Bash ::

Awangku Rayyan Azim...our lovely Birthday boy

I always get excited being invited to kid's birthday brings my inner childhood back to this day are so damn lucky..their parent would throw a superb, marvelous, bright, full with choc and candies and colourful party for their kids....i bet actually they would like to have it for themselves and use their kids as an excuse...hahahahaha.....

Zue, my best friend invited me thru easy nowadays people invite each other virtually...need no more spend on cards and stamps..just click're invited hassle and easy for, as usual...nana and kids (Farees & Adreena), Kak Fitri (Nana's maid), Ein and me arrived quite late to the should have started from 12 - 4pm...but we have more important things to do first...BUY THE PRESENT...yeahhhh! so off we to ToyRus at Great Eastern Mall...It was the fastest shopping time we ever made entire life..less than 20 minutes we already in a car to straight to Zue's place....Don't forget, we picked mommy to be Amie on the way to the party..Thank God we did not miss the blow candle time..of coz they will wait for us,.,we're the VVIP, remember...puke! hahahahaha....

- A very happy Birthday Boy -

With mommy and ayah

Cadbury Choc with custom made wrap

even tissue paper is damn so cute...sayang nak gune..lap kat baju je la..hehe

~ Maccaroon Tower ~

I ate most of it...hahahah...since kat luar mahal sgt kan..and this maccaroon is the best i ever tasted...not so sweet and the texture and choc are perfecto...Zue, nak lagik!!!

Pocoyo Themed Birthday Cake...Cute sgt!!!


The VVIPs with Azim and mommy Zue =)

Thank you so much to mommy Zue for inviting us to Azim's 1st Birthday Party..We had so much always, we're the last person to leave the party..the food was so awesome...we even met long-time-no-see friends as well....

To my dearest Azim, your're such adorable boy...hope you will be the best in everything in your life..make your mommy and ayah proud of u (of coz...!!)....may Allah bless u always...much lurve..Aunty eDa...xoxo

Thursday, May 12, 2011

:: Hi-Tea with Lil Farees ::

Nana called me to meet up..seems like Farees, her son misses Ein & me so, we plan to have hi-tea together at Delicious, Midvalley..Supposely Lydia and Zue came along but they have to cancel last minute..We had so much fun...much lurve to our dearest Farees...muahsss!

Pavlova for lil Farees

He thot it's his birthday..hahaha

Magnolia Red Velvet for me =)

Nana with her bread butter always..boringggg! hahaha

Pavlova after being ate by monster Farees

Cute Couple..Lil Farees hearts Auntie Ein...awww!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

:: Hallo Stranger ::

Ein called me up to accompany her to fulfill her crave for, she picked me up at the office, then we went to Pavillion...Unfortunately, Nandos was closed for Annual Dinner...poor Ein..hahahhaha...after having meal at Old Town White Coffee Signature restaurant close by, Ein suggested to watch has been long time we have not watch movie together..two weeks time i think....hahahahahah....actually she already has one international screen in mind that attracted her attention to watch...i have never watch international screen before but i dun mind to try...the movie is from Thailand entitled 'HALLO STRANGER'....

It is a comedy romantic's my fav type of why not have a try....i have no expectation at all when i walked into the hall...i just hope I've not fall sleep throughout the movie time....I popped up a lot of question to Ein while waiting for it have the subtitles coz i don't understand Thai language...why they put it in international screen coz i thot only serious drama movie will be categorised under international screen and the list goes on...i know i do a lil bit annoyed her but I don't care...hahahahah

Surprisingly, I love the movie so much...very simple yet fun storyline...i cant stop smiling and laughing watching do have sad moment which quite touch my's actually typical love story that we always dream about...two strangers meet up in the middle of nowhere...get stuck and filled with crazy but fun activities together that finally initiate love to their heart...very sweet and nice to watch...happy watching!