Saturday, October 22, 2011

:: The Return of Nora :: twin is back for good ✽\(^▿^)/✽

It's good to see her again..she just finished her study in we shall call her, Dr.Nora..really proud with her achievement & determination to pursue doctorate in nuclear medicine & radiology..she'll be attached to UKM as Lecturer in Radiology Department..proud of ўσυ‎ babe :D

We spend our day at Nana's faveret place for ikan singgang..yummy!! Plus the budu..really makes me eat so much..

Then, we head to meet Lydia & Eyin..we decided to meet them at Pavi since they have Gym class nearby..we all get excited & can stop chit chatting till the security guard ask us to leave as the place is already empty & close..hahahaha

This is just the begining..we're looking forward much more meet up with Dr.Nora..KL loops in expanding..yeay!!

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