Sunday, May 30, 2010

:: Tension ::

My other kazen Fadiah Sabrina or we just call her Kak Nik is getting engage on 6 June 2010..
So, as usual ..My parent called and give me lectures just because i dun have an sign of getting married there any problem with not getting married..they thot i dun want to get married and hate to married life..coz i am so much comfortable of my single life now..Gosh, tell me...who does not want to get married..have a man to love and be loved..having a beautiful kids together and live happily ever after..i do hv that kind of great dream of being lovely wifey to my husband and a great mom to my kids..but God has better plan for me...huhuhu..i have to console myself..that Allah know wut is the best for me..peace uols =)

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