Sunday, May 30, 2010

:: Story of my diet ::

I've been fat since forever..
it's time to change it..for my own good not for others..
actually i have been try it various time...
my family and frens already fed up hear me when i want to diet..
it's not because they are not supportive but it's all because of me..
they support me well from the beginning till now..
but i failed to meet up the target..
just like "hangat2 tahi ayam"..
i dunno wut happen..but i really cant commit myself to diet..
i'm craving food so much..i'm not able to resist the temptation and the deliciousness of food..
even though i know i keep on growing fat and the bad causes of being fat,
i still ignore like a Batu Caves inside my degil..
i dun care as long as i can taste the food and feed my tummy..i just too afraid to be hungry..hahahah
now its time to change..i'm not grow younger each day..i have to love myself more..
i dont want to fall sick before it suppose time..not that i asked for it..but as everyone knows, when u are at not healthy weight, u are at high risk to get severe diseases...
Its time to get serious..
i mean it..

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