Sunday, May 30, 2010

:: Tension ::

My other kazen Fadiah Sabrina or we just call her Kak Nik is getting engage on 6 June 2010..
So, as usual ..My parent called and give me lectures just because i dun have an sign of getting married there any problem with not getting married..they thot i dun want to get married and hate to married life..coz i am so much comfortable of my single life now..Gosh, tell me...who does not want to get married..have a man to love and be loved..having a beautiful kids together and live happily ever after..i do hv that kind of great dream of being lovely wifey to my husband and a great mom to my kids..but God has better plan for me...huhuhu..i have to console myself..that Allah know wut is the best for me..peace uols =)

:: Story of my diet ::

I've been fat since forever..
it's time to change it..for my own good not for others..
actually i have been try it various time...
my family and frens already fed up hear me when i want to diet..
it's not because they are not supportive but it's all because of me..
they support me well from the beginning till now..
but i failed to meet up the target..
just like "hangat2 tahi ayam"..
i dunno wut happen..but i really cant commit myself to diet..
i'm craving food so much..i'm not able to resist the temptation and the deliciousness of food..
even though i know i keep on growing fat and the bad causes of being fat,
i still ignore like a Batu Caves inside my degil..
i dun care as long as i can taste the food and feed my tummy..i just too afraid to be hungry..hahahah
now its time to change..i'm not grow younger each day..i have to love myself more..
i dont want to fall sick before it suppose time..not that i asked for it..but as everyone knows, when u are at not healthy weight, u are at high risk to get severe diseases...
Its time to get serious..
i mean it..

:: 2010 ::


it has been quite sometime since my last login...
so many things happen lately..
actually i jus wanna make this blog as my diary..
but it seems i have so many obstacle or too lazy to stop by and documented every moment in my life..
now i'm back..lets have a glance wut has happen since Jan 2010 till today..

8 Feb 2010
My baby project PLUS HQ was launched by our Malaysia Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abd Razak..I'm so proud to be one of key person to make it pile of document to be submitted for final account to close the project..

5 March 2010
My kazen Nadia Shahira get engaged with her beloved fiance Yussof from Kuala Lumpur..

9 March 2010
Off to Singapore with Rockin, Eyin, Fyza, Puteri, Huda and gilerr!!!!
Siap gi Universal Studio..We walked n use MRT as our transportation..easy access..Singapore is beautiful, clean and civilised..I like to be there again very soon..heheheh
Penat giler tp best!!!hahahhah

20 March 2010
The celebration from Penang on ayie's's a norma Malay custom to send the bride to the groom's family..My family are so happy as we know Ya will be in a good hand..They seem to love Shakirah as much as we do..She deserve it...Quite sad to leave her there but life must go on..she has to bear and start her responsibility as wife to Ayie and daughter in law to Ayie's family...i love u my baby much!! take care..u look so happy...and i'm happy too...tears of happiness..clap clap clap

I have so many things to jot here...but i hardly remember all at this time..i will come back and update it time by time..heheheh