Sunday, August 30, 2009

:: after a year ::

wut a surprise...
aku x sgka lak aku ader blog...
acu try nk buat ckp aku ader blog..
tp ok least now i can start blogging laa..
tp x reti laa..
slow2 la ekk..
layan je la ape yg aku nk merek kat sini..
i'm so happy..heheheh

but within this 1 year..too many things happen to me..
syg x dpt record kan..
at least can be like diary or monumen for future reference..
hahaha,,igt muzium or library ker..hehehhe
but i'll like to share with everyone part n pices of my life..
so, when i'm not here anymore in this world..
at least i can contribute something (ermm, share pebende??!!)hehehe
something to laugh, to be sad or anything laa..
to fullfill my leisure time jew..heheheh
xnk bace suda..hik3

hepi reading!!!!

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