Sunday, August 30, 2009

:: 2008 ::

wut can i say about 2008...
had been so much blast time in my life..
or too much fun actually..
like  living in a dream..
especially 2nd half year..

i met lots of new people..
kind n fun people..
outside of my normal circumstances..
i learn to live like them..
having fun n i'm really enjoy being with them..
but like a norm, it can't always be fun..
it has a dark side too..
to balance it up for sure..
so, i've tried my best to tackle any situation with calm n dignity..

i'm really sorry if i had hurt anyone who comes along my path...
mintak ampun sesangat..
i really dun mean to tear any hearts apart..
i dun mean to take over of anyhting..
i just want to be fren..
a gud one..but to some people..maybe i fail..
from the bottom of my heart..i really do mean it..i'm sorry..

to some people...out of sudden, u do change..i dunno why..
i really dunno why..i hope i hv the answer...but silent wouldn't tell anything ..rite?
but if it is already destinied, wut else i can say...just wish u ols happy in your life...
life must go on..

thanks to those who still stick wif me..
can bear living n be frens to me..
i love each and everyone of u..

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